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EasyLite Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is EasyLite ?
EasyLite is an integrated Invoicing and Inventory Management Software that handles
Computerised Billing, Various Reports, Inventory Management and Invoicing.

Who are the users of EasyLite ?
EasyLite is suited to Professionals, Wholesale Dealers, Hotels, Super Markets and
Trading Organisations. However it can be configured to suit any business needs.

I have an IBM 386 computer will EasyLite work ?
Yes!, The The minimum configuration required is a 386 with 4 MB RAM. However
the recommended configuration is a 486 with 8 MB RAM.

I am a layman to Computers. How EasyLite can Help Me ?
No problem. The power of EasyLite lies in it's friendliness to user which brings the
user and the accounts closer.EasyLite does not require the user to learn computer.

I Don't know Accountancy. How do I use EasyLite ?
EasyLite is not a stubborn Accounting Software. EasyLite does not require the user
to learn accounting methods. Instead, it just automates the existing manual billing system
resulting in much faster speed, minimization of the possibility of errors and instant
retrieval of information on the fly.

My Computer is not Reliable How do I protect My important data ?
EasyLite comes with the full featured Backup/Restore Utility, which can store the whole
database years transactions on a single floppy disk.

I've got well established business. Why should I spend on EasyLite ?
Well, time is more precious than money. EasyLite works with much faster speed,
minimization of the possibility of errors and instant retrieval of information on the fly.

Where do I get EasyLite ?
The Shareware version of EasyLite is available on
For full featured version contact rgk@rediffmail.com

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