About me :
Name : Ramakrishna Kulkarni
Date of Birth : Sept 27, 1978
Father's Name : G. D. Kulkarni
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Present Address :
#11,Sahajeevan Apartments,
Bhavani Nagar,
HUBLI - 580 023
Karnataka State, India
Telephone No : 91-(0836)-250271
E-mail : rgk@rediffmail.com
I am an ardent Linux fan, love programming and always enjoy hacking,
and web designing, spends most of the time tweaking with computers, finished
bachelor of engineering degree in computer science from SDM college of
& technology, karnataka state, india., A premiere institution affiliated
to karnataka
university. If for some reason you have landed directly in this official
website of
Ramakrishna Kulkarni or if you have linked to this page and you would
like to see
the entire site, click here...
Objective :
To contribute my 100% as part of a highly motivated team, learn more
to get in track
with the latest technology and exploit my creativity to the maximum.
Qualification :
B.E in Computer Science & Engineering from S.D.M College of Engineering
Technology, Dharwad. Karnataka State, India. A premiere institution affiliated
Karnataka University.
Strengths : 100% creative and highly motivated and endowed with
Artistical skills.
Skill Set :
RAD Tool : Visual Basic 6.0
Programming Languages : C, C++, Java
Assembly Level Languages : 8085/86
RDBMS : Oracle
Web Languages : HTML
Scripting Languages : VB Script, JavaScript
Graphical Design : Adobe Photoshop, Coral Draw, Macro Media Flash
Platforms : DOS, Linux, Windows 9.x, Windows NT
Academic Project :
" Web based Email Server "
Duration : Six Months
Summary :
Project is done using Java Servlets, Java Web Server, & MS-Access
Windows NT as Operating System.
The project objective is to simulate Internet E-Mail Service on LAN with
Windows NT as the Server. The software will work similar to YahooMail,
Hotmail etc.
The software has the following salient features :
* Allow new users to register and provide them with an e-mail id
and password upon
registration.Receive mails sent by other users.
* Allow users to log in after checking their login-name and passwords
* Maintain an inbox for each user, which lists the mails that have been
sent to the user.
Allow users to read, compose, delete mails, change their passwords/Hint
Question and
* Maintain an outbox for each user which stores a list of mails sent by
the user.
Project Profile :
"Easy Lite"
An Inventory Management System
Tool : Foxpro2.6
Team Size : Three
Role : Project Leader
Duration : Three Months
Client : M/s Sree Durga Agencies, Hubli.
Summary :
The application is mainly for billing and stock maintenance.The software
also provides
the facility to add a new customer, item, and units to the availability
This software has a feature to activate various schemes and discounts
on different items.
A full-fledged credit handling facility has been added to the software
to fulfill the needs
of credit customers. Special features like backup and restore data, password
was also included.
Reports include daily sales report, date wise sales report, report of
non-moving item,
stock status report, Ledger of customer, items and a Sales register.
Personal Profile :
Name : Ramakrishna Kulkarni
Date of Birth : Sept 27, 1978
Father's Name : G. D. Kulkarni
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Present Address :
#11, Sahajeevan Apartments,
Bhavani Nagar,
HUBLI - 580 023
Karnataka State, India
Telephone No : 91-(0836)-250271
E-mail : rgk@rediffmail.com
Achievements :
Bagged Third Prize in Web Design Contest, held by ISTE Students Chapter,
" TECHNOSCOPE - 2000 " A State Level Competition in Technical
Got Three Successive "Card of the Week" prizes at "Millenium
Cash Bash Contest"
for Greeting Card Designing held by www.indiatimes.com (View
Hobbies :
1. E-Art, Animation, Morphing.
2. Sketching.
3. Poster/Greeting card Designing.
4. Music.
Professional Membership :
Student member IEEE
Student member ISTE
Student member CSI